The representation of 100.0 in the floating-point representation is computed as follows: First convert the given number 100.0 in the binary form. 10010 = 11001002 the binary representation.
The answer should be C, you need a text editor to write out the code, and then a web browser to view what the code creates.
Slashes \//
How '"confounding' "\" it is!
The question above is testing your knowledge of the "\" escape sequence, This escape sequence is used to introduce special formatting to the output of the System.out.print function in Java.
It can be used to introduce a new line \n
It can also be used to introduce a tab indentation \t
As in the question above it is used to introduce double quotes "" in this case \"
Also as we see the question above it can still be used to place backlashes to an output in this case we use two backlashes \\. The first is the escape sequence, the second \ gets printed out.
name =
is an assignment to the variable called 'name'.