Answer: A
Evolution is the idea that species change over time, and natural selection is a mechanism by which evolution takes place.
combines genes from organisms of different species in a lab
Recombinant DNA technology involves the process of joining the genes (DNA) of different multiple species in order to insert into another organism (host). Recombinant DNA technology has many applications in genetic engineering.
One example of Recombinant DNA is the synthesis of Insulin in bacteria cell where a human insulin gene is first inserted into a plasmid vector, then inserted into a bacterial cell that uses its expression abilities to transcribe and translate the gene into INSULIN protein.
This procedure is usually conducted in a laboratory with the use of certain laboratory equipments.
White matter is the slightly more pale tissue in the areas of the brain and spinal cord. It consists of nerve fibers with their myelin sheaths (the fatty substance that surrounds and "protects" the axon.
Isotonic since in a hypertonic solution the cell would shrivel up and in a hypotonic solution it would lyse (burst).
The answer is budding. IN this type of asexual reproduction,
the offspring are genetically identical
to the parent. Examples of an organism that
reproduces by budding include hydra,
starfish, corals, and sponges. Yeast, fungi, also reproduce
asexually by budding.