By painting scenic landscapes
Statements A. C. and D. are all actions that individuals/groups can take that affect government policies.
The ability to petition and assemble (mentioned in statements A and D) are two of the five freedoms guaranteed in the first amendment of the US Constitution. These actions, as long as they are peaceful, can help to bring awareness to issues that citizens find relevant.
Lobbying is another action citizens can take. This can include writing letters, asking for interviews, and developing deals. All of these actions can result in change of government policies.
Montesquieu called the idea of dividing government power into three branches the "separation of powers." He thought it most important to create separate branches of government with equal but different powers. That way, the government would avoid placing too much power with one individual or group of individuals.
There is now no restriction on the amount of money that organizations or individuals can give to candidates in national elections due to a ruling by "the Supreme Court", although this ruling was highly controversial.