the answers would be a, b, c, e, f
i hope it allows you to choose 4 because all of those answers match up perfectly
It should be remember at the fact that this day change the country forever.
azoo land fraud, in U.S. history, scheme by which Georgia legislators were bribed in 1795 to sell most of the land now making up the state of Mississippi (then a part of Georgia's western claims) to four land companies for the sum of $500,000, far below its potential market value.
Secara tradisinya, penempatan Toraja terdiri dari perkarangan rumah, lumbung, perkuburan, kawasan upacara dengan menhir, sawah, hutan buluh dan kawasan penggembalaan untuk kerbau dan babi. Kete Kesu adalah penempatan yang lengkap di mana semua komponen ini masih ada.