Answer: a. Subject
Explanation: because a pope is a religious leader that plays an important role in a catholic church and bishops of rome.
it's harmful to not only individuals, but society as well. it is hard to combat because of how society works. If someone very influential says something ra cist, se xist etc on social media, that can teach many people to think saying things like that is okay. alienating someone from society is incredibly harmful, and it can influence others to do the same.
The purpose<span> writing an </span>essay<span> is determined by your goal as a writer, as well as your subject matter. There are numerous types of </span>essays<span>, but </span>essays<span> usually fall under one of the following </span>purposes<span> for writing: to inform, persuade, explain or entertain.</span>
Policewomen torn sedentary payment guitar iroquois fussbudget laugh is a fragment.