Demodocus is a poet who often visits the court of Alcinous, king of the Phaeacians on the island of Scherie. During Odysseus' stay on Scherie, Demodocus performs three narrative songs.
Demodocus, whose name means "beloved of the people," has several important functions in book 8, not the least of which is that Demodocus gives us a clear picture of the importance of the bard in Bronze Age oral culture. In addition, his songs about Odysseus—and, more important, Odysseus's reaction to those songs—prompt the key question from Odysseus's Phaeacian host, King Alcinous: "Who are you?"
Can we take a moment to bask in the joy of how well-written A Raisin in the Sun is... Ok, moment over!
From act 1 scene 1, it's very clear that this family has issues simmering beneath the surface. The question shouldn't be what caused tension, it should be what <em>doesn't </em>cause tension, because Walter and Ruth argue about a large number of things. It's not a happy marriage, it seems.
When Ruth accuses Walter of keeping their son up by talking late at night, he complains, "That's what you mad about, ain’t it? The things I want to talk about with my friends just couldn’t be important in your mind, could they?"
The main issue between them, though, is money. It's underlying everything they argue about - Walter's association with Willy, Travis' ask for the 50 cents, Walter's late-night discussions with his "friends."
Scout gets into a fight<span> with Francis for calling atticus a n-word lover. They have to kill a mocking bird movie on netfleix If you wanna check it out. It's a great book and I hated reading it for school but when I actually sat down and read it, </span>I loved it. It's really timeless and talks about issues we deal with even today.
It is an opinion rather than a fact because there is no data to support that all service members and veterans have challenges when they return. There are no factual statistics or data to back up this claim so therefore it is an opinion