Once upon a time, there were three girls, Gemini, Herriette, and Tabitha. They had been feeling rather bored with their lives, recently. All of their parents were always busy. Gemini's mother and father both worked full time, Herriette's moms were too busy with her younger sibling, who, at the time, was a 1 year old. He needed constant supervision, and Tabitha's father didn't want to spend time with her. The only enjoyable part of the day was when the three were together. They had planned to break into an abandoned cabin in the woods, because they had heard many rumors about it being haunted by a vengeful female spirit, who would curse any unfortunate person who laid eyes upon her. She was said to had lost her baby in a car accident, when a drunk driver had a head-on collision into her car. That night, she also lost her life. She lived in that very same cabin before the incident took place. The girls thought that they would make more friends at school if they captured her and brought her to show and tell, for everyone was talking about the ghost, but nobody dared to break into the cabin, that is, except for the brave girls, Gemminui, Herriette and Tabitha. At the end of the school day, they had met up in the woods and created a plan to catch her, which they would soon pursue the next day. They could barely sleep that night, thinking about what this ghost may have in store for them. That day, Tabitha and Herriette where falling asleep in class. The anticipation and shear excitement of what was to come after school had kept them up all night! Though, Gemini wasn't worried or excited. She didn't expect to see any ghost in the cabin. After school, the girls packed backpacks full of supplies, such as, flashlights, a net to catch the ghost with, and Tabitha's trusty lock-picking kit! Once they were able to successfully break into the cabin, they immediately smelled something putrid coming from the entrance of the cabin. It was completely trashed, too! The shelves were dusty, the wallpaper was peely and moldy, and there was a baby cradle sitting in the corner of the room, draped with an oddly stainless pink cloth. The girls began to explore the cabinet. There were strange and indecipherable symbols scratched into the wall, presumably by the ghost. Gemini was starting to have second thoughts about the cabin. The girls were startled to here a loud creaking noise coming from the corner of the cabin. Tabitha wearily approached the small cradle and peeked inside, lifting the silk cloth up with a shaky hand. As soon as she lifted it, She heard a baby wailing profusely. It was a ghost! The girls ran, and ran, and ran into the forest. Neither of them ever went there again.
Yes, in one way, the essay makes you think of the strength of human spirit when it endures severe situations.
James Baldwin “Notes of a Native Son” refers to racial issues in America. The topic of the story shows how Baldwin goes through a cycle of events. He contemplates the death of his stepfather, his youngest sister’s birth, his nineteenth birthday, and race problems in Harlem. The events and the way they presented makes Baldwin wonder about the spirit of human nature and what it needs to endure to live by.
Baldwin explores the bitterness and suffering of black Americans while remembering his father’s mental health. Baldwin thinks he can inherit the paranoia that affected his father and questions himself the way trauma is passed through generations.
1. DIDN'T you hear that the exam was changed to next week?
2. IT'S a very bad idea to get into a car if the driver has been drinking.
3. WHO'S having the party tonight?
4. Have you made a decision whether YOU ARE going to go to university or go backpacking in Europe?
5. Did you know that THEY'RE leaving the city for good?
"It's" (means it is) and "Didn't" (means did not) and "Who's" (means who is) and "You" (means You obviously) lol and "They're" (means they are)
Hope this helped! :)) ur questions are so easy lolllll
1) music can teach you many lessons ( its inanimate, it cant do that )
2)music travels through my body ( also not possible proving that these are both figurative language )