Cause and effect.
Cause and effect can be defined as the relationship between two things or events in which an occurrence one (cause) leads to the occurrence of another (effect).
For example, an experiment can be used by scientists to show or demonstrate how a condition causes or gives rise to another i.e cause and effect, influence, behavior, etc in a sample.
In this scenario, Jedediah reads that every astronaut who has ever stepped foot on the moon has been a vegetarian. He looks at his wife and says, "I wonder why being a vegetarian increases one's likelihood of going to the moon!" Jedediah has arrived at an (incorrect) cause and effect conclusion.
Jedediah's cause and effect conclusion is completely or totally incorrect because there's no strong (valid) relationship between astronauts and being a vegetarian. Thus, you may be a vegetarian and not in the slightest of chance have interest in traveling to the moon.
after the question is that the answer or yours?
a.every student does't want to do well in the examination.
b.we must't follow the traffic rules.
(c) rana wrana was't too weak to sit on the bed.
(d) he does't like both coffee and tea.
(e) only the brave deserve does't fair.
(f) Does she try to follow him?
(g)Are they happy?
(h)Does everybody know him very well?
(i)Did you see him reading in the room?
(j)should we waste time?
sadness that Haigha trait