Myatt's central claim is that life is not fair. While we cannot control our birth, we can control our choices and attitudes.
Therefore, he argues that life is only as fair as we make it, since we control our attitude and the choices we make.
To make his point, he uses general example of people who have overcome a variety of difficulties. He uses the specific example of the young man from Africa who came to America with nothing and is now the president of a tech firm. He relates a personal anecdote about his own youth and how he overcame a stroke.
At the end of the article Myatt reiterates that life is not fair, nor should the government try to make life fair. Instead, each individual needs to overcome his or her own difficulties by changing perspective.
I do not know the answer because you never told me anything other than " I need them answer by tomorrow."
A compound noun contains two or more words that join together to make a single noun, like "keyboard." A compound noun is a type of compound word that is used to designate a person, place, or thing. Compound nouns can be formed in several ways, which is one reason why writing these words can be tricky.
Examples: noun + noun bedroom water tank motorcycle printer cartridge
noun + verb rainfall haircut train-spotting
noun + adverb hanger-on passer-by
verb + noun washing machine driving licence swimming pool
<span>utilizing the power of environment</span>