1517: Luther takes the pope to task. ...
1519: Reformist zeal sweeps the south. ...
1520: Rome flexes its muscles. ...
1521: Luther stands firm at Worms. ...
1525: Rebels are butchered in their thousands. ...
1530: Protestants fight among themselves. ...
1536: Calvin strikes a chord with reformers.
Explanation: im smart
Some of the cash crops that were grown in the caribbean were sugar, tobbaco, coffee, spices, and cotton. :/
La diferencia es que uno ayda (empresario) para aydar al que inventa (inventor) ejemplo: un inventor nesecita ganancias para su invento pero el no sabe como asi que le dice a sus empresarios si lo ayudan para que esas ganancias suban y asi el inventor hace su innovacion
The Tower of London
In the Past the Castle has acted as A Royal Palace and it included A Prison, Tax Office and even a zoo! Hope this answer helps :)