Government Shi Huangdi conquered the warring states, unified China, and built a strong government. Government The Han Dynasty took over China and established a strong empire that lasted 400 years. Culture Life in Han China set a pattern that is still seen today.
The legislative branch was developed by the Framers of the Constitution to give people representatives.
Karma and Dharma you need to do good deeds in order to get reincarnated
Answer: French 18th-century and 19th-century constitutions as well US constitution (18th century) are believed that constitute the basis and fundament of today´s modern democracies but in their original version they were made for white man. So one can say that "we Americans" is a hypocritical statement because excluded many people. The same can be said about the French constitution (1st French republic) that contradicts its preamble (the test speaks of "les droits universells de l´homme et du citoyen").
Explanation: what was said above perfectly demonstrates that 18th-century intellectual revolution was a revolution of white European man from which many were excluded (indians, women, poor).
Elected officials who are sent to a government seat to do the will of the people from their designated districts are called "representatives", since the "represent" the people who elected them.