Answer: A. He is complex, with both good and bad qualities.
Macbeth's defining characteristic is his desire for power. This is his tragic flaw, and the trait that will lead to his downfall. However, Macbeth is far from just being an evil character. Although he does many immoral things, he is deeply conflicted about his acts. The fact that he finds himself feeling conflicting emotions shows that he is a very complex character, with both good and bad qualities.
language is a talking thing
without languages we would say wee waa
An analogy is a comparison between two things, particularly when the comparison is between two things that are quite different from each other. The main purpose of using an analogy is to help the reader understand the connection between them and therefore understand the meaning of the text better. In this case, an analogy could be used to enhance the language of the text and make it more vivid. For example:
"For six months I have been training like a beast and running daily and I barely made the track team. This year the competition to make the track team was tough!"
I agree with the poem's message that a positive attitude can make the world a better place.
As we can see in the poem, a positive attitude towards something unexpected or negative can be fundamental to life.
The poem has very few lines, however there is a great message in it. The speaker has an encounter with a raven that throws snow on him, and instead of getting angry, the speaker changes his mood in a positive way: he feels rued and saved.
The speaker could have been angered by this unexpected event and reacted in a bad way, even this could have ruined his day. However, he takes a positive and humorous attitude.
If we all did the same with the bad things that happen to us, the world would definitely be a better place.
Minor conflict because a minor conflict is hereditary