If this is MLA format, in-text citations only require the author and the page number. if no author exists, then you provide the title and the page number. if there is no author and no page number, you simply give the title.
assuming the author is starks, the page is 97, and the title is "animals"--you only have to put (Starks 97) in parentheses. the author and the page is enough information for someone to access your source.
These are Patterns of Organization
1. Chronological
2. Compare and Contrast
3. Order of Importance
4. Sequence
U have to give us the passage also so I don’t think anyone can help unless they’ve done it before
Nobles were Lofty, financially well-to-do citizens who carried much power within the community.
During the Middle Ages, the society had a definite structure. In the hierarchy of the society Kings were the first then comes the nobles, knights, the clergy, the tradesmen and in the last the peasants. During that period the people were ruled and protected by the government. The role of the nobles were to keep the people safe, they offered protection to the people.