The most important reason for the collapse of Rome was the failure to actually integrate what they conquered. When Roman soldiers conquered new lands, it was rare that they ever attempted to force their culture, ideals, or laws upon the natives and barbarians. Thus, when the Empire began suffering internal struggles, the natives they had conquered decided to take action, which lead to the swift collapse by barbarian invasion from all sides. It's hard to pick a LEAST important reason, seeing that there were many of them, but I suppose a contender would most likely be the common refusal of the Empire to even acknowledge that barbarians were rising. On the outer edges of their territory, in places like Gaul and Morocco, the Roman government was reluctant to even recognize the threat of the barbarians, thinking that even accepting that these barbarians were causing trouble would weaken their prestige in the public eye.
When studying history, asking questions and checking other sources will improve one's perspective. The other awareness necessary is "To realize all writers and reporters have some bias of culture, geography, economics or politics".
History has been documented since the dawn of civilization, it is necessary to look into the main historical records and comprehend each perspective. Ability to understand history means not to be biased with your understanding base, each era has a justification why these events had occurred. Each writer has one or the other bias and this has affected the activities they write. Thus when reading books a viewer should take this into account.
Rene Decartes was a French philosopher born in 1596 a time when many long held benefits where changing. His new way of thinking led him to decide to doubt everything until he could prove it. His goal was to achieve certainity through methodical and logical questioning.
There were forced into combat roles