Ribosomes - Make protein
Golgi Apparatus - Make, process, and package proteins
Nucleus - Stores the DNA and coordinates the cell's activities
Mitochondria - Make energy out of food
Vacuole - Storage for food and water
Lysosome - Contains digestive enzymes that help break down food
Plant cells (only) -
Cell wall - Protection and support
Chloroplast - Uses sunlight to create food using photosynthesis
I hope this helps :)
Scientists at the Mauna Loa observatory in Hawaii say that CO2 levels in the atmosphere now stand at 387 parts per million (ppm), up almost 40% since the industrial revolution and the highest for at least the last 650,000 years.
population I stars.
A star is a giant astronomical or celestial object that is comprised of a luminous sphere of plasma, binded together by its own gravitational force.
It is typically made up of two (2) main hot gas, Hydrogen (H) and Helium (He).
The luminosity of a star can be defined as the total amount of light radiated by the star per second and it is measured in watts (w). Also, the apparent brightness of a star is a measure of the rate at which radiated energy from a star reaches an observer on Earth per square meter per second. The apparent brightness of a star is typically measured in watts per square meter.
Some of the examples of stars are; Canopus, Sun (closest to the Earth), Betelgeus, Antares, Vega etc.
New stars that are found in the spiral arms and formed from recycled dead star material are known as population I stars. Also, it comprises of association and clusters formed a million or billion years ago in the spiral arms of Milky Way galaxy.
A galaxy can be defined as a collection or group of many billions of stars and other planetary body which are existing independently.
Intelligence is most likely to be the criteria for random mating in humans.
If random mating is taking place on the conditions that no evolution is taking place the genetic pool will be maintained through generations.
Random mating will be based on intelligence in humans because this is the trait which gets exhibited only when showcased otherwise remains hidden while other characters like personality, appearance and athleticism are phenotypically expressed character.
Random mating is not under the influence of genotype. Intelligence is a trait which needs to be more in human as random mating takes genotype frequency in consideration.