Human Multi tasking
Human multitasking is an apparent human ability to perform more than one task, or activity, at the same time. An example of multitasking is taking a phone call while driving a car. Multitasking can result in time wasted due to human context switching and apparently causing more errors due to insufficient attention. If one becomes proficient at two tasks it is possible to rapidly shift attention between the tasks and perform the tasks well/proficiently.
Source: Wikipedia
Oligarchy is a type of government in which control or hold absolute power by one leader or group of individuals. The authority is generally distinguished by nobility, wealth or power, family ties, education or corporate, religious or military control. Oligarchy from the word “oligos” means few and “arkho” means to rule or to command.
words associated with dogs will be activated first before words associated with puppies. Based on the network of association, information in dogs will be activated first before words associated with puppies,
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The correct answers are "candidates with high polling numbers get more media coverage" and "undecided voters vote for the most popular candidates."
The two ways elections are affected by public opinion polls are: "candidates with high polling numbers get more media coverage" and "undecided voters vote for the most popular candidates."
The method that is used to measure public opinion in the United States is polls and surveys. Mass Media outlets such as TV and Radio stations used polls and surveys before and during election time. The same happens with political parties and the candidates' campaign team. They are always monitoring the voters' preferences regarding their political candidates. They like to take "the pulse" of voters to know their preferences.
During political campaigns, public opinion polls help the campaign team to know people's views regarding their position of the candidate or the political party, It could be in favor, against, or neutral. From that information, the Director of the campaign can make decisions about what to modify the messages, the public's preferences, the position of the rivals, and try to better position its candidate in the mind of the voter.