Economic. Nixon shock.
Foreign. Nixon Doctrine. Vietnamization.
Environmental. EPA. Clean Water. NOAA. Legacy of Parks.
Cannabis. war on drugs.
Native American
One way that the British government carried out the policy of mercantilism was by (4) requiring that most colonial trade occur within the British empire. This was the basic policy of colonial mercantilism, where colonies such as the United States could only trade with Great Britain, and was banned from trading with other colonial superpowers, such as the Netherlands, France and Spain.
Laurene Powell is steve jobs wife.
Economic stability
Economic stability refers to abscence of excessive flactuationsin the macroeconomy.
planting of crops led to food security without food human life cannot be sustained hence other products cannot be produced.surplus production of crpos led to development of civilization which led to a stable economy because farmers could earn income from their products A stable economy later leads to political stabilty .