b. lw $t4, 4($t0)
c. add $t3, $t5, $t4
Pipeline hazard prevents other instruction from execution while one instruction is already in process. There is pipeline bubbles through which there is break in the structural hazard which preclude data. It helps to stop fetching any new instruction during clock cycle.
True is the correct answer for the above question.
- When any document file is opened then every point has some particular address. so there is a pointer which states that where the read operation and the write operation is going on.
- When any person writes any program to read a file or write a file then there is a need for some variable that is pointed for the reading and the write operation.
- The document which is used for the write data or read data is also designed and maintained by some software.
- Hence we can say that there are needs of some variable that point the operation of the file and it is also stated from the above question. Hence the above question statement is a true statement.
Required memory size is 16k x 8
16k = 24 x 210 = 214
Hence, No. of address lines = 14
No. of data lines = 8
a) Size of IC 1024 x 1
Total number of ICs required = 16k x 8 / 1024 x 1 = 16 x 8 = 128
b) Size of IC 2k x 4
Total number of ICs required = 16k x 8 / 2k x 4 = 8 x 2 = 16
c) Size of IC 1k x 8
Total number of ICs required = 16k x 8 / 1k x 8 = 16 x 1 = 16
For a, 10 address lines from A0 to A9 are used to select any one of the memory location out of 1024 memory locations present in a IC.
For b, 11 address lines from A0 to A10 are used to select any one of the memory location out of 2k=2048 memory locations present in a IC.
For c, 10 address lines from A0 to A9 are used to select any one of the memory location out of 1k=1024 memory locations present in a IC.