Food and security.
The presidios faced many challenges such as food and security of its people and struggle to maintain their control from the natives people and save themselves from native people that lives around them because the Spanish comes and captured their lands. Spanish soldier defend the newly captured territories and take on such a difficult job for their country's welfare, prosperity and for expanding influence of their country.
You can just "change" them. You cant just force them. Them there selfs needs to want to change to change
you already know the answer to the 1st one. and Every civilization ever existed had dynasties!
Answer to the 2nd one: by dry deserts to the north and west, the Pacific Ocean to the east, and impassable mountains to the south!
3rd on is, it was common place in ancient Egypt to draw the scenes abd what they do in their daily lives in tombs and temples. By uncovering them, archaeologists learn a lot! Moreover, by finding the tools the ancient Egyptians worked with and things they used. (such as kitchen ware, cloths, etc..)
4th one, Qin Dynasty was China's 1st dynasty. They are the ones that unified China.
5th one is, The Pharaohs built many extravagant and gigantic temples with many sculptures and statues of gods within them to worship and honor gods. Each city had temples dedicated to certain gods and even to local gods!