Gibbins v. Ogden in the eastern war of mississippi.
The second option I think
A coming together, to "blind the nation's wounds"
Crossing the Rubicon
Julius Ceasar served as governor over the region of Southern Gaul to Illyricum. After he completed his reign as governor, he was instructed by the Senate in Rome to return to Rome, leaving his army behind.
Julius Ceasar did just the opposite because after he completed his tenure, he went along with his soldiers to cross the Rubicon river which was at the boundary of Italy. This act was considered treasonable by the Senate in Rome. It was also considered a declaration of war. Julius Ceasar eventually won the Civil war which protected him from punishment.
Supergangs are the type of gangs Bartollas suggest which emerged in the political climate of the 1960s. It was after the 1919 race riot, where Black males formed gangs to confront hostile White gang members who were terrorizing the African American communities. The late 1960s saw the emergence of a few “super gangs” whose political and economic activities attracted much attention. These ''supergangs'' become citywide criminal entrepreneurial organizations involved in drug dealing, extortion, and contract violence.