Obliterate- destroy entirely.
Politic- advantageous at the moment.
Tedious- involving a lot of detail work.
Venturesome- willing to take risks.
Tumult- disorder.
Callous- offensively insensitive.
The given words and their meanings are given as follows-
Obliterate- This means to remove or destroy someone or something completely. It means complete annihilation, destruction.
Politic- It means something that is advantageous for the moment, meaning temporarily or momentarily useful.
Tedious- Tedious is hard work, the act of doing something sincerely and in a detailed manner.
Venturesome- It refers to someone who is willing to take risks, not afraid to take the path others haven't.
Tumult- It means a disorderly or problematic situation., something that is in disarray, unrest, confusion.
Callous- It refers to someone who is rude, rough, with no sympathy. It is used for someone who has no heart, patience, or cold-hearted.
I think it's active? I don't really know though.
atlas it sounds cooler but I don't know what your oc looks like
Texas V. Johnson was a case in which the supreme court ruled that burning the flag was constitutionally protected by our first amendment rights (freedom of speech)
Answer:ok so 1i and 100
Explanation: Sorry just came here for the points