A correlation is some sort of connection between two or more ideas. The correlation between attendance and grades is that if a student has low attendance they would have lower grades than that of a student who had high attendance.
The answer is c. verdict!
Mary Leaky was the woman who belived that.
Hope this helps :)
Japan,Singapore and Malaysia
because they are the closest to Philippines
10. If I was to choose multiples it would be all of the above, the answer is Easter
11. B
10. Easter Sunday was the day Jesus resurrected from the dead, so with that being said it signifies salvation of all Christians and I believe that we all celebrate Easter( Jewish are Christians but they do not celebrate Christmas).
11. The festival first came to celebration when the Ashantis in Ghana( A group of tribe, Ghana is a Western African Country) had their independence war against the people of Denkyira which they celebrated the achievement of Statehood of the people.