Oct 21, 2009 — In the first KY Constitution, our voting rights laws were progressive by ... Free men 21 or older could vote, with no stipulation that voters had to own land or other property. ... by blacks than crimes that tended to be committed by whites. ... all non-citizen Indians born within the US to be citizens, giving them the ...
Women in Medieval Europe were legally dependent on their husbands. In the scope of civil law, women were restricted from signing contracts, being witnesses in court, or borrowing money in their names. All of these had to be carried out under the legal authority of their husbands.
Hope this helps :)
Option: c. Cherokees
The Muskogean languages are indigenous to the southeastern United States. In Southeast cultural area, indigenous peoples are the Cherokee, Apalachee, Chickasaw, Choctaw, Koasati, Hitchiti-Mikasuki, Creek and Seminole. The dominant of this language among the Indian nations are in the Southeast. Before the settlement of Europeans in the southeastern area, the Muskogean languages spoken in the area like Louisiana, Alabama, Tennessee, Mississippi, Georgia, and Florida, which is part of states present.
Most likely b a sense of national identity