when Aristotle speaks of the soul 'in the heart' he has in mind the heart as primary and proximate material organ of the soul, the controlling organ originally informed and activated by the soul, upon which all the other organs depend for their formation and activation by the soul. They too live, are informed and activated by the soul, but in a way that is secondary and more remote. To speak of the soul as existing 'in the heart' is not to deny it's presence in the other organs, but to indicate the primary and proximate subject it informs and activates.
Britain did, I looked it up and it says Britain led the world into the Industrial Revolution.
San Juan Hill
The battle of San Juan Hill is significant because it gave the American to control the Santiago. In other words, it forced Spanish to give up their base at Santiago. Eventually, Spain lost its colonial power in Cuba.
The Byzantine Empire fell in 1453. The immediate cause of its fall was pressure by the Ottoman Turks. The Ottomans had been fighting the Byzantines for over 100 years by this time. In 1454, Constantinople finally fell to them and their conquest of the Byzantine Empire was complete.