Mensionare varios, y de ahi tu escoges, espero te sirva de gran ayuda:
°Son históricas.
°Son en representación a alguien o algo o algún hecho muy importante.
°Tiene riqueza artística.
°Algunos establecen un mensaje.
°Son recuerdos memorables.
°Tienen gran valor e interés.
°Pueden estar ubicados en espacios públicos o privados, como museos.
The word that signifies "within the cell" which alludes to the signals moving from one place then onto the next inside the cell is the term "INTRACELLULAR".
In multicellular life forms, cell correspondence is indispensable. Cells convey through synthetic and mechanical signs and this is the cells method for survival, they get and process data from the outside condition. Multicellularity of a living being needs cell-to-cell correspondence on the grounds that through this, various cell types can participate together to function and join to frame diverse tissues and organs in the body.
It means the personal freedom to follow whatever religion you choose, or
NO religion if that's your choice, in any way you want as long as you don't
bother other people, without any interference from laws or other people,
and without any penalty or discrimination no matter what your choice is.
That seems like such common sense that it's hard to understand that
in huge parts of the world, that's not the way it is at all.
Answer: Implies that the government is restricted by law.
b. until the AIDS crisis, there was little scientific demand for data on sexual behavior.
Before the AIDS crisis, there was not so much interest on human sexuality from a medical and scientific point of view. While sexually transmitted diseases were already known, few had caused such a negative impact as AIDS, which became truly an epidemic.
Because of this short time frame, from the 1980s up to this day, scientists have not been able to accumulate so much information as to provide reliable data on the subject.