I know penguins live in Antarctica.
Spinal Cord
The spinal cord is the second part of the Central Nervous System. It is connected to the brain and is about the size of a human finger. From the brain, the spinal cord moves down the middle of the back and is surrounded and protected by the bony vertebral column. It is surrounded by a clear fluid called Cerebral Spinal Fluid (CSF), which is responsible for providing a cushion effect to protect the delicate nerve tissues against damage from banging against the inside of the vertebrae.
Ethic standards are a set of guideline, principle or lay down rule within an organisation or any profession which acts as a footnote to all members to promote values, guide a person's and business's operational behaviour to avoid confusions during the course of their activities. Ethic standards or code differ from one organisation and institution to another. However, some ethical principles such as accountability, fairness, autonomy( consent), honesty, transparency etc are ethical principles perspective general to almost all organisation and institution.
Therefore from Milgram's study approach, it could be deduced that his method of research was based on misinformation and participants was not fully informed on the basic of the study conduct. Participants in any study must give their consent to any observation, participation before any study can be considered proper, legit or conducted in an appropriate manner.
<em>So, the study conducted by Milgram's would not likely be approved by an Institutional Review Board (IRB) today because the current ethical standards include having the researcher provide informed consent to participants before the study started, as well as to avoid causing any possible psychological harm to the participants and having incorrect data from such study.</em>
In general, we can affirm that values focused on freedom and social well-being are what help to form the economic and political ideas of a person or party. However, freedom and social well-being are relative concepts that can be different between each individual. Many people associate these concepts with them and their peers and, therefore, seek to support parties that encourage these values in a more segregated and individualized way. Other people, however, have these values in a more humanistic way and seek to associate themselves with parties that share this type of thinking.
In this case, we can say that the values defended by political parties can shape people's thinking about a country's economy and politics. The problem with this, is that depending on the party, this mold can be harmful and harm people like me, who are part of social minorities, or even harm people who defend another type of thinking.
It is known as a(n) nontariff trade barrier