New York State's highest court ruled in 2009 that tracking a person via the global positioning system (GPS) without a warrant violated his right to privacy.
install memory requires you to take off the bottom portion of the laptop.
based off my knowledge im gonna to go with OPTION A because ur social security number holds information like your brith etc
because a business wants you to buy their product. Its like gas prices, when one gas price is lower than another stores, people tend to go to the one with the lower price.
- def normalize(input_string):
- output = []
- for c in input_string:
- if(c.isalpha()):
- output.append(c.lower())
- return output
- print(normalize("O.K. #1 Python!"))
Firstly, create a function normalize that takes one input string (Line 1).
Next, we create an empty list and assign it to output variable (Line 2). This list will hold all the letters from the input string.
Create a for loop to traverse each of the character in the input string (Line 4) and then use isalpha() method to check if the current character is a letter (Line 5). If so, add the letter to output list (Line 6). Please note we can convert the letter to lowercase using lower() method.
After completing the loop, return the output list (Line 8).
We can test the function using the sample input given in the question (Line 10) and we shall get ['o', 'k', 'p', 'y', 't', 'h', 'o', 'n']