Mountain lions with lots of variation because variation is important for species’ survival. If there is an environmental change that negatively affects organisms with a certain trait, variation can insure that the entire species will not be wiped out because some organisms within that species might not have that trait and can survive.
Yellow eye rock fish, flounder, Vermilion rock fish, wolf eel, Salmon, Lingcod, black pine, Bottlerush algae, bull kelp, Coralllne algae, rockweed, sea cauliflower, sea staghorn, surf grass, Winged kelp, razor clams, moon snail, dungennes crab, octopus, sea star.
(a) Silicosis is a situation in which the person work in stone grinding industries, they tend to inhale the crystalline silica dust, which is also a part of sand and rock. It affects the human lungs and can cause lung fibrosis.
(b) Benzoates, Nitrates, sulphites are the food preservatives chemicals which are used mostly in food preparation so that it can be stored for long period. These chemicals are harmful for human and can cause disease in the human. They can cause severe asthma in humans. The international agency for the research of cancer has reviewed ingested nitrates and nitrites are probably carcinogenic to humans.
(c) Industrial pollution cause water and soil pollution. Industrial pollution is the release of wastes and pollutants generated by the industrial activities into the natural environmental including air, water and sand. It causes chronic health problems. Polluted air cause lung related issue and polluted water causes abdominal pain, diarrhea in humans
regression of bacteria numbers
because it could have became infected