Imagine a homicide has taken place in your area and the CSI team has approached you to help document the crime scene. You need t
o prepare a narrative of the crime scene. Write a paragraph on what you see at the crime scene. Include articles such as tables, chairs, beds, and so on, and evidence such as weapons, blood, hair, and so on that you see at the crime scene in your narrative. Draw a rough sketch of the crime scene showing the articles of evidence.
On Plato: "The crime scene I encountered is a 13 by 13 room with two desks, one in the northwest corner, and one in the southeast corner of the room. The door is on the same side as the second desk, about three feet to the north of the desk. There is a window on the west wall near the first desk. There is a body on the floor between two desks. The chair to the first desk is tucked under the desk. The second chair is lying on its side about a foot away from the body, directly above the head. There are no other items on the floor."
The three state institutions that deal with human rights violations are - CESCR or Economic, Social and Culture Rights, Humans Rights Committee (CCPR), Committee on the 'Elimination of Discrimination against Women' (CEDAW) and CAT or Committee against torture