There are many reasons to convert to the decimal numbering system. Select the best answer. When checking numeric values in compu
ter memory, decimal makes sense because you use decimal numbering every day. When checking words in computer memory, decimal makes sense because you use decimal numbering every day. When comparing values in a computer program, decimal numbering makes sense because it is always shorter than hexadecimal. When checking words in computer memory, decimal numbering makes sense because it is easier than hexadecimal.
When checking numeric values in computer memory, decimal makes sense because you use decimal numbering every day. --> sounds OK.
When checking words in computer memory, decimal makes sense because you use decimal numbering every day. --> doesn't make sense
When comparing values in a computer program, decimal numbering makes sense because it is always shorter than hexadecimal. --> Not true
When checking words in computer memory, decimal numbering makes sense because it is easier than hexadecimal. --> Hexadecimal would be easier when inspecting computer words, because you can easily see the byte alignment of the values.
Waveform Audio (.wav) is a common file format. Created by Microsoft and IBM, WAV was one of the first audio file types developed for the PC. WAV files are defined as lossless, meaning that files are large and complete; nothing has been lost.
The web beacons are one of the different techniques, that are used on web pages and emails, to check whether a user has access to some unobtrusively. It is a line, that is often invisible, and typically does not exceed 1 pixel.
It is usually used with cookies.
It is also known as a small graph, which generates a request to the server for tracking service.