If you conserve or save scarce resources they will no longer be as scarce as before and more of those scarce resources will be available. Conservation can even make the scarcity of a resource nonexistent, meaning the resource is now plentiful or enough.
<span>1. The sun’s thermal energy is exhibited from its surface traveling to the ocean floor in the day</span>
<span><span>2. </span>As the heat energy is absorbed by the water, the currents move and rise as the ocean waters from the equator heads to the north phase of the planet.</span> <span><span>
3. </span>And then the waters from the polar areas heads to the south, while ascending and gushing it becomes heated by the sun.
The sun’s gravity also affects this body of water. Since it has a much more stronger gravitation pull than of earth though its far away hence, high tide and low tide tendencies.</span>
B. Piaget’s theory of cognitive development begins in the sensorimotor stage, where children are still making sense of the world through their senses, and ends in the formal operational stage, in which a person begins to think abstractly and reason about hypotheticals.
I don't remember but i believe so that Guatemala is not, sorry if that is not coorect
Tree thinning I'm guessing. I had just learned this recently but I could always possibly be wrong.