The answer is A, to restore the South to the Union as quickly as possible
Citizen participation refers to the citizens' involvement in their country's government. In an autocracy, there is often very little citizen participation. The power lies solely in the government, most likely in just one person. One example of an autocratic government is a monarchy. In which, the King or Queen holds all the power. Citizen participation is not a priortiy in this form of government. In an oligarchy, a group of people are in control. Usually, this group is a higher/richer class. A democratic government, however, involves more citizen participation than arguably any other government form. In a democratic system, the citizens make most of the important decisions. Presidents, represenatives, law-makers, etc. are all elected by the citizens.
While he was staying in Mexico city, he saw how the central government was broke and how the municipalities of Texas had little hope if they didn't take the matters in their own hands. He recommended them to unite, organize a state and refuse the application by the supreme government, this led to his arrest and futher quarrel with the mexican government. At this point, while he was in prison, tensions grew between Texas and the central government, after the institution of a law which prohibited people not born in Mexico from retailing goods in the state, Texas went on the offence and Austin participated in the revolution.
The Southern States and the Northern States had very different economies due to the geography of the States.
The Southern States has an agrarian economy, which needed cheap labor to make profits.
The Northern States had more of a focus on industry and banking and did not have as much of a need for slave labor.