Answer: An appeal
An appeal could be defined as an application to a higher court against a decision that was passed by a lower court. This is seen in most cases especially political scenario common in Nigeria, where a governor losses an election and goes on to a higher court to appeal for that election which was lost, to claim he or she was supposed to be the winner.
Certain map projections, or ways of displaying the Earth in the most accurate ways by scale, are more well-known and used than other kinds. Three of these common types of map projections are cylindrical, conic, and azimuthal
STRIVING FOR SUPERIORITY refers to putting a maximum effort in order to achieve a level of superiority over other people. This accelerate a motivation to stand out and perfectly in everything that one does so that they will be highly recognised , be respected hence achieve superiority.
Jerry is putting the maximum effort by entering all the local races so that everyone can recognise him and he will attain that superiority he is craving. He even test his limit which means he goes beyond what is normal so that everyone can look at him and say "wow this guy" and be will be more recognised than others and can dominate over them.
Be Patient
Explanation: he is a growing boy and is trying to figure out what he wants to do as he grows and matures he will calm down.
d. learning is useful in allowing organisms to adapt to the environment.
Psychologists define learning as a relatively permanent change in behavior as a result of experience. Learning can be possible through vision, hearing, reading or writing, and kinesthetic. The statement that learning is useful in allowing an organism to adapt to the environment is influential because from the day an individual is born to death, every day we tend to learn each day either by imitating our elders or by modeling our role models.