The way scarce resources get distributed within an economy determines the type of economic system. There are four different types of economies; traditional economy, market economy, command economy and mixed economy. Each type of economy has it’s own strengths and weaknesses.
A civilization may fall if an attack, shortage of food, or war happens. A disagreement in the government or disease may also make the civilization fall too.
1-4-4 13-5 15-14 19-14-1-16 3-8-1-20 1-20 20-8-5-18-5-1-12-4-10-11-5-25-5-19-3-15
= 1-4-4 13-5 15-14 19-14-1-16 3-8-1-20 1-20 20-8-5-18-5-1-12-4-10-11-5-25-5-19-3-13
reaction formation
Hello! The reactive formation, in the theory of Freud, is a defense mechanism that occurs when someone experiences an instinctive or, in any case, unconscious desire that he consciously rejects. This leads him to develop the impulse opposite to the one he rejects.
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