Round characters are those characters important for the development of the story, playing a huge part in the plot. They are the opposite of 'flat' characters but may not necessarily be the main characters themselves.
Round characters are the exact opposite of flat/ static characters in a story. While the flat characters have no contribution or use in the development of the story, these 'round' characters play an important role in the progress of the story. They also comprise the most challenging for writers to include, for they are constantly involved in every possible part of the story.
Round characters may not necessarily be the main characters, but they do play a huge role in the characterization of others, the development of the story, and may even help in the characterization of the main characters. They may also influence the main characters, making them improve or even destroy them. They play a major part in the plot or subplot of the story that the writers have to have a variety of character layers to them.
Claudettes tone of stage 2 lycanthropic culture shock is “annoyed” according to page 234, it states “ .... and than who would get blamed for the dark spots of duck blood on our Peter Pan collars? Who would get penalized with negative skill points? Exactly.” In this statement Claudette expresses a sort of hatred towards her younger sister.
Elimination is always the best. Pick out the worst possible answers, so it'll give you less choices to pick from. Or you could always pick c. I wouldn't advise that. Good luck on your test. :)