Marble (metamorphic rock), Limestone (sedimentary rock) and Quartzite (metamorphic rock). THE TOWER OF PISA- The Tower of Pisa is the bell tower of the Cathedral.
The correct answer of the given statement above whether it is true or false would be TRUE. It is true that the Andean nation of Bolivia is poor, but but<span> rich in natural attractions that fuel a growing ecotourism economy. </span><span>Bolivia is named for Simon Bolívar. He is the liberator of much of South America that is poor, mountainous, and landlocked. Hope this answer helps.</span>
One of the most famous map projections is the Mercator, created by a Flemish cartographer and geographer, Geradus Mercator in 1569.
<span>(2) encomienda.
Spaniards confiscated land from indigenous people, and rewarded it to spanish citizens, who established plantations, where locals would work using Spanish agricultural techniques, learn Spanish and be converted to Christianity.</span>
Satellite imagery can prove to be very useful at times and at many occasions will be more beneficial using Satellite imagery than the plain old maps. For instance, it can be used to track weather systems, especially floods and other storms such as hurricanes. And most of the times, the reliability of the data is accurate. Other than that Satellite imagery is a vital tool for many meteorologist.