Answer: You're only 11 and have a whole lot of life left to live. You have so much more to experience and live for. Yes, I understand that you might feel down, but I am currently medicated for severe depression and I've gotten so much better due to support and attempting to better myself. I spent 3 weeks in a psychiatric hospital due to a suic ide attempt, and it was not fun at all.. I understand the feeling of being hopeless and wanting to be happy again, but with time you'll get there. Many people used to tell me that time would make it better for years, and I never believed them but now here I am, and know that the statement is true. Just try to listen to music, or find healthy ways to cope with it. Just try not to think about it too much honestly, that's what I do and at the end of the day I'm happier with myself.
I have never related to someone more in my life. i used to have the same problem. let me tell you girl, it gets better !! you still have a whole life ahead of you. your gonna meet the someone special, and they are gonna treat you the way you deserve. your gonna get your dream job and maybe even raise kids !! no need for crying. what good is that gonna do ?? you should be outside playing with your friends, living a stress free life. the best advice i could ever give you is to enjoy your childhood days because the second you become a adult, no more fun & games. i am telling you this because i don’t want anyone to make the same mistakes i did & not enjoy my young days. i’m 22 now, looking back and thinking how miserable i made myself, and oh how much i wanted to be a adult, but now- i’d give anything to be 11 again. ☺️