Probability that the son will be:
color-blind = 1/2
blue eyed = 1/8
blue eyed and color-blind = 1/16
Mother : BbXcX
Father : BbXY
Colorblindness is X linked recessive trait hence will be caused when the son has XcY genotype.
XcX X XY :
Xc X
Half of the sons will have normal vision and other half will be colorblind hence, there is 1/2 probability that the son will be colorblind.
Eye color is autosomal trait and blue color will be produced when the child has bb genotype.
Bb X Bb :
B b
b Bb bb
1/4 of the children will have blue eyes. Since half of the children are expected to be males, 1/4 * 1/2 = 1/8 sons are expected to have blue eyes.
Probability of a son being blue eyed and color blind will be :
1/8 * 1/2 = 1/16
less than 1%
The approximate percentage of the geologic time that humans have existed on the Earth since its origin is less than 1%.
The earth is about 4.6 billion years and much of its history has been without the present of human activities.
- Hominis were the first human to appear on the surface of the earth.
- This was in the Miocene epoch which was about 6 million years ago.
- Compared to the age of the earth, this time lapse is very small and not up to 1%.
- Life first appeared on earth about 3.5billion years.
- Since then evolution has taken its due course to give what we have today.
Each time a new ATP is created, ATP synthase must process 5 protons.
<h3>Where is ATP synthase found and what does it do?</h3>
- ADP and phosphate are converted into ATP by the mitochondrial enzyme ATP synthase, which is located in the inner membrane.
- Protons are transported over a gradient created by electron transfer from the chemically positive to the negative side of the proton, which drives the flux of protons.
<h3>How does photosynthesis's ATP synthase function?</h3>
- The light-driven production of ATP is catalyzed by the chloroplast ATP synthase, which is activated in the light and deactivated in the dark by redox-modulation via the thioredoxin system.
- This down-regulation is thought to be crucial for minimizing wasted ATP hydrolysis at night.
<h3>What makes ATP synthase so crucial?</h3>
All cellular functions are powered by ATP, which is constantly used by cells and required for production. About 100 ATP molecules can be produced by each ATP synthase every second.
learn more about ATP synthase here
The answer would be light. Light is needed in plants so that they can do the process of photosynthesis.
Chromosems is the right answer