<span>You only need to consider the 5 gene pairs that give different alleles. The number of different eggs or sperm = 2n, where "2" indicates 2 different alleles for each trait and "n" = the number of traits. = </span><span>32</span>
Radon 222.
This is a chemically inert gas that is colourless and odourless but it is radioactive. It is produced by uranium in rock. From seeping through foundation, its accumulation can cause lung cancer. Also, as a radioactive gas, it can be also used to in hospitals to cure ailments which includes tumour , cancer and other diseases.
They would have a symbiotic relationship because they use each other for their own benefit. This causes them to have a mutual relationship. The anemone provides protection and shelter for the clownfish and the clownfish provides the anemone nutrients.
A diet combining legumes and cereals will have a good balance of essential amino acids
Cereals are grains that are rich in vitamins, carbohydrates, protein and other essential nutrients, they include wheat, rice, sorghum etc. Legumes include a wide range of seeds, fruits, nuts, vegetables that are rich in proteins, carbohydrates and other nutrients, examples include peas, beans, lentils etc.
Cereals and legumes are referred to as staple foods, they are usually used to complement each other because combining them will result in a good balance of essential amino acids. In cereals, lysine is a limiting amino acid but is usually in high amounts in legumes. However, in legumes cysteine, trypthophan and methionine are the limiting amino acids but are found in cereals. Therefore, this makes legumes and cereals complementary in the diet as it significantly increases the protein quality of the diet.