Had no bill of rights
Hi person who created this can ya'll add my two insta's alejandrotrujillomorelia atm.alejandroais.student I'm 13 Live in cali
Answer: Monarchy
Changed my answer. Even though the question wasn't specific, Monarchy is a person who is ruled by a king or queen
Democracy is a representative country
Anarchy is a country that doesn't believe in a specific government so there are no rules
Aristocracy is a higher rank in charge
Marcus Aurelius
He was the last of the Five Good Emperors. He reigned from 161 AD until his death.
Sacrifices that I would be willing to make are giving up my family, my bed, my home, and my life so that I could go and fight for freedom
I would give up everything.
In its proposal, both houses of the legislature would be determined proportionately. The lower house would be elected by the people, and the upper house would be elected by the lower house. ... Under the New Jersey Plan, the unicameral legislature with one vote per state was inherited from the Articles of Confederation.