The natives refused their offers
It became legal for farmers to transport hemp across state lines.
The postwar bruising boom in Oklahoma is the development that happened right after World War II. The developments that happened after the second world war was mainly because of the Interstate Highway System that made Oklahoma the center for the said system. Moreover, they also housed the biggest air depot in the world an, of course, this helped their economy. These are just some of the reasons, there are plenty reasons. But the main idea is that their economy improved.
The correct answer for this is the current president of the United States Donald Trump believes in a foreign policy that puts the U.S. interst first.
One of the many policies that the current administration is trying to benefit the United States more than their allies.
They were wondering in search of their lost family members, they were constantly in danger, with a possibility of being killed, secretly enslaved or beaten up harshly. Their lives for sure were quite bitter even after the civil war. After all, the war could not change the point of view of the landowners in the South in a fingerclick, that required much more time and patience.