When atoms in a covalent bond share electrons unequally (one atoms pulls more than the other), the bond is said to be a polar bond is formed when electrons are unequally shared between two atoms. Polar covalent bonding occurs because one atom has a stronger affinity for electrons than the other (yet not enough to pull the electrons away completely and form an ion).
Sistemas orgánicos
Aunque cada órgano del cuerpo realiza sus funciones específicas, los órganos también funcionan juntos por grupos, a los que se denomina sistemas orgánicos (ver Principales sistemas orgánicos). Los médicos clasifican las enfermedades y sus propias especialidades médicas de acuerdo a los diferentes sistemas orgánicos.
Humans conduct internal fertilisation.
Blood pressure is cardiac output versus resistance, especially in the capillaries.
When they get atherosclerosis, which is plaque in the arteries, there’s more resistance in the blood vessels and that raises blood pressure
A food allergy is a reaction that occurs when the <u>body</u> system reacts to a harmless substance in food, such as a protein that does not undergo digestion