scotus[8] gives the last name because there are 9 elements stored in scotus array
Option (c)
Parallel arrays are those arrays which are used to store some records which needs more than one array to hold a entry but are interrelated and should be accessed by same index number. As they are of different data types so can't be stored as multi-dimensional array or matrix. Then parallel array comes to rescue. For example : Details of a student.
Name, age and ID of a student needs to be stored. So, three arrays can be made and each entry should be accessed by same index number.
Rachael should describe information system to the management as an organized system that helps collect or gather, organize, track, store, manipulate, and analyze data to generate and distribute the information from gathered data to appropriate persons. The information generated is useful for managing your operations and making decisions. The efficient use of Information Systems will, without a doubt give a lot of opportunities to the company.