3. the population decreased sharply from those taken in the slave trade and europeans taking harvests
The 1917 Russian Revolution was not, as many people suppose, one well organised event in which Tsar Nicholas II was overthrown and Lenin and the Bolsheviks took power. It was a series of events that took place during 1917, which entailed two separate revolutions in February and October (with a great deal of political wranglings inbetween), and which eventually plunged the country into Civil War before leading to the founding of the Communist State.
Elaborate your question more about who you need the information
Like policy of each ??? What ?? Presidents !! But which presidents ?
The aftermath of World War II was the beginning of an era defined by the decline of the old great powers and the rise of two superpowers: the Soviet Union (USSR) and the United States of America (USA), creating a bipolar world. Europe was divided into a US-led Western Bloc and a Soviet-led Eastern Bloc.
Federalism limited the powers of government in the United States in that it created two sovereigns, the state government and the federal government which must share power.