It’s d I did this today it’s d because it’s d
There muscles will keep moving and keep tiring till when they rest it increases there level
The process of lifting anything, including a coffee cup, involves the nervous system to send a signal from your brain to the muscles in your arm which then uses your sensory system to determine how far to lift.
The acronym SPORT (in terms of fitness training) stands for Specificity Progression Overload Reversibility Tedium
SPORT acronym (in terms of physical education) stands for Spirit, Perseverance, Optimism, Respect, Teamwork.
Specificity means that each sports activity is specific or unique to each person with regard to specific fitness, training and other factors required for that specific sport.
Progression depicts gradual improvement in the fitness level and sports activity and achievement level.
Overload refers to the muscle load that requires to build the muscles with respect to the sporting activity or fitness level
Reversibility refers to initiating training from the first in case of any injury or break in training
Tedium indicates a need for variety in fitness, exercise or sport training programs
Spirit increases the achievement in sports. Perseverance with optimism is required to win in the sports activity through repeated practices. good respect to the team members and efficient teamwork leads to victory in sports.
external influences
The list of influences are all outsiders. They are not the person.