Look up for example The rain forest and the desert then tell how they are different
Aliciamanrajos is the best on this pop
Temperate climate zone, because big cities don't function well during the arctic winter, nor summer actually
Political geography studies all the following except Economies ( answer A). Political geography is concern with study of both spatially uneven outcome of political processes and the ways in which political processes are themselves affected by spatial structure. It also involve study of boundaries and their associated region.
The image shows the Convergent plate boundary.
Convergent boundaries occur wherever the Earth’s tectonic plates move or collide toward each other.
As the plates converge, the denser, thinner tectonic plate sub-ducts or dives beneath the lighter, thicker, more buoyant tectonic plate.
As shown in the picture, the plates are composed of rigid lithosphere consisting of the crust of the earth and the uppermost mantle. Movement of the plates is driven by convection in the asthenosphere and lower mantle, which are softer and warmer than the lithosphere and can flow on geologic timescales. Convection is fuelled by heat generated from radioactive decay of elements in the Earth.