Listed following are statements that, based on our current theory of solar system formation, apply either to the formation of te
rrestrial planets or of jovian planets, but not both. Match these to the appropriate category; a. Ejected icy planetesimals that are now Oort cloud comets
b. Accreted from planetesimals of rock and metal
c. Formed in a region of the solar system with lower orbital speeds
d. Accreted from icy planetesimalslarge moons formed in surrounding disks of material
e.surfaces dramatically altered during the heavy bombardment
f. formed in regions cold enough for water to freeze
1 ? is portugal 2? is spain 3rd? france 4? is Britian
look at the languages and magana carta from the pope he gave the spanish the majority of the south america and portugal the what is now brazil hence why they speak portugese