e. The values of the current market basket at current prices and the base-year market basket at base-year prices need to be known
The formula of Consumer Price Index (CPI) is: Current year price of basket consisting of many goods / Base year price of basket consisting of many goods.
The result obtained from the above formula is multiplied by 100 to get final answer in percentage form. So, Option E is the correct option.
The land was purchased for $300,000.00; however, after back taxes the total was $308,500.00.
The cost of demolishing an existing building, clearing the land and paving the parking lot had a grand total of $42,100.00.
<u>Answer:</u> The cost of land is $308,500 and the cost of land improvements is $42,100.
<span>a. good personal hygiene is your Answer.</span>
I want a new car and a home.
because it's will Ganna give you a business