As the demand for slaves grew, the Portuguese began to enter the interior of Africa to forcibly take captives; as other Europeans became involved in the slave trade, generally they remained on the coast and purchased captives from Africans who had transported them from the interior.
Voting its very important for the country because the leaders of this country represent US not them. Since last then half of as are voting that means that more then half the people in the country do not support them. If we don't vote the government cannot meet the citizens needs. It is is also a privilege and we must use that privilege wisely to choose the most wanted representative.
This is the paragraph I wrote for the journal. Good luck!
Even though Great Britain was at odds with France over the situation involving the Suez Canal, it became in side with France as World War I began because England believed France had a better chance of winning the war. France at that time has the capacity to bring out and fight for the war.
The Cuban Missile Crises. ... Soviet Premier Nikita Khrushchev saw an opportunity to strengthen the relationship between the Soviet Union and Fidel Castro's Cuba and make good its promise to defend Cuba from the United States. In May 1960, Khrushchev began to ship ballistic missiles to Cuba and technicians to operate them.