You add the numerators and keep it over the denominator. 4/16 plus 12/16 is 16/16 and when the same number is the denominator and numerator at the same time, its 1
675.48 - 67.32 + 920 - 585 + 125.5 = $1068.66
Coterminal angles are found by adding/subtracting 2

or 360, so D.
23. The answer is D. If you multiply 0.8 by 5 you get 4 meters which means it would take 5 minutes. Multiplying it by 5 will give you a whole number therefore easier to find on the graph.
24. The answer is G. The square root of 5 is 2.23 and the square root of 2 is 1.4
Step-by-step explanation:
- + -
- + -
- + -
If you were to go all ways on this chart↑ the rules would always be the same.
A negative plus a negative is a negative.
A negative plus a positive is a negative.
A positive plus a postitive is a positive.